Saturday, May 16, 2020

Homelessness Is The Issue And Problem Of Homelessness

Homelessness Defined: A key issue society currently faces is the issue and problem of homelessness. In January of 2016, approximately 549,928 American individuals were experiencing homelessness (HUD’s 2016 annual assessment, 2016). Most research concerning homelessness agrees that definitions of homelessness vary and that there are several challenges researchers encounter while attempting to study homelessness due the transient nature of homelessness along with other inconsistencies and barriers (Foster, 2012). Broadly defined, homelessness is the lack of adequate, stable shelter (Ogden, 2014). Classifications of homelessness include those who are fall under several categories including a homeless household, chronically homeless, precariously housed, sheltered homeless, rough sleepers and unsheltered homeless (Foster, 2012). The issue and problem of homelessness is and has been widespread throughout the world; different countries address the problem in a variety of ways. Here in the United States, both the government and nonprofit agencies exist in order to address the wide array of problems homelessness entails. For example, Government programs such as The Collaborative Initiative to Help End Chronic Homelessness exist as a partnered effort by the US Departments of Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Veterans Affairs, and the US Interagency Council on Homelessness. These entities exist in an effort to collaboratively house and deliver services toShow MoreRelatedHomelessness : A Worldwide Public Health Crisis Essay1423 Words   |  6 PagesHomelessness: A Worldwide Public Health Crisis In the United States, there were approximately 564,708 people who were homeless on a single winter night in 2015 (Housing and Urban Development, 2015). Worldwide, acquiring an accurate picture of homelessness has proven challenging due to varying definitions country to country. 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