Sunday, December 29, 2019

Personal Profile Joe Mccall - 1979 Words

1. INTRODUCTION: Personal profile: Joe McCall is 65 year male living in group home with other two roommate. He is currently living at 175, Connaught Avenue. His support staff is vary along week and day but his person centered planner is Hiral Patel (myself). Joe McCall was fun loving guy with high sense of humor during his adulthood. Family and friend circle: His mother was single parent and she got thorough many things to have Joe quality life. From the beginning we all staff working on her goal to give Joe quality life. His mother died when he was 30. So now his brother, housemates and staff are his family. His dad never got involve with him from beginning. His has few friends from his day program which he used to attend until 40. They sometime come and visit Joe and have lunch or dinner together. He has brother living in British Columbia. He receive phones every alternate Wednesday. He enjoys talking to his brother. His brother visits him on every Christmas vacation for few hours. Likes and dislikes: Joe is big fan of Elvis and he went to see his shows regularly twice a day. His room is surrounded by Elvis’s picture. He likes blue color in everything from apron to cloths including bath towels. He is so easy going man with respect to staff. He doesn’t like noises after he sleep. He has specific choices for his food. He likes cruise Goals for life: He want to celebrate his 70s birth day with Elvis. He want Elvis to come at his house for dinner and cake on hisShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pages658.40071 173—dc22 I. Cameron, 2009040522 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 10: 0-13-612100-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-612100-8 B R I E F TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Preface xvii Introduction 1 PART I 1 2 3 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 Developing Self-Awareness 45 Managing Personal Stress 105 Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively 167 PART II 4 5 6 7 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS 232 233 Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively Gaining Power and Influence 279 Motivating

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Race, Culture, And Socioeconomic Status - 1169 Words

Thus far the discussions of how race, culture, and socioeconomic status plays a role in education has been a very enlightened one. Up until now I really have never thought about how many things play a part in the education a child receives and how a teacher’s career is also impacted. Like many others I assume, education is something that we all receive and never think about it in great detail. For me going to school each day was just a routine and the end goal was to graduate high school and go onto college, always thinking that it was that easy for all others. Not until now have I discovered that it is not that easy and that there are many obstacles in the way of a good education. The Separate but Equal video that was watched in class was one that I had never seen before and allowed me to in a way to empathize with the people who lived through all of those struggles. Though many times we hear and read of the struggles that African Americans went through in their fight f or equality and desegregation having a visual picture for me helped me better understand. Although the movie was based on a school in Clarendon County in South Carolina where schools were segregated in the 1950’s, I think that the same struggles that they faced are still relevant in today’s school system. Schools today may not be as segregated as those in the 1950’s, however there are still some aspects that clearly make them segregated. As mentioned in John Kozol’s article, The Savage InequalitiesShow MoreRelatedRace, Socioeconomic Status, Disability, And Culture1303 Words   |  6 Pagesis to identify and reflect on possible personal biases regarding gender, religion, sexual or race, socioeconomic status, disability status and culture. The paper will raise personal and professional level perspective regarding the social and cultural divers. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Boethius Essay Example For Students

Boethius Essay Throughout history, every society has searched for some way to express its feelings and beliefs. Music has been an integral part of virtually every culture, so it is quite natural for people to havewritten about this subject. More literature has survived than actual music, which leaves modernscholars with the job of translating, interpreting, and trying to understand the writings of peopleprior to modern musical notation. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius wrote and translated manybooks on subjects he felt were important to the education of future generations. Of particularinterest is his book, The Fundamentals of Music (De institutione musica). Even though this bookis no longer used as a basis for music education, it has had a lasting impact on music history andtheory. Boethius was born either in or around Rome sometime around the year 480 AD. His fatherdied when he was only seven, and he was taken in and raised by one of the wealthiest aristocratsof the time, Symmachus. Boethius received an exceptional education, married Symmachussdaughter, and led an esteemed career as a politician, writer, and scholar until he was imprisonedand executed in 524. Boethiuss works may be divided into four categories, in chronologicalorder: didactic works, treatises on the mathematical disciplines; the logical works, in essencetranslations or commentaries on Aristotle, Cicero, and Porphyry; the theological treatises, worksexpounding orthodox Christian doctrine by the philosophical method; and the Consolation ofPhilosophy, a purely philosophical treatise written in prison.1 It is the first category, which dealswith the mathematical disciplines, that contains his Fundamentals of Music. At the time Boethiuswrote these books, music was considered one of the mathematical subjects, along with arithmetic,geometry, and astronomy. Boethius described these disciplines as the Quadrivium, the fourfoldpath to the knowledge of essences- things unaffected by material substance.2 The fact thatmusic was considered one of the mathematical disciplines is interesting to modern people, since itis now considered part of the arts, and on nearly the opposite end of the spectrum from math. Math is now considered strict, predetermined, rigid, and structured, while music is expressive,emotional, and subjective. However, people of the time assumed that the study of music wouldbe limited to the mathematical characteristics of harmonic proportions. In this respect, musicdoes have many characteristics that can be related to math, and it was on these observations thatBoethius based a large part of his Fundamentals of Music. Some people have stated that Boethiuss five books on music are merely translations ofworks by Pythagoras. This could not be true, because Pythagoras left no writings. But they arebased on a strong tradition and on the work of later members of the Pythagorean school; from hiseducation by his father-in-law Symmachus and in Athens Boethius was well acquainted withthese, and it is evident from his writings that he was firmly convinced of the systems validity.3 A large section of Fundamentals of Music deals with musical instruments. Boethius outlines thedevelopment of the tetrachord and other instruments, and describes their relationships tomythological gods and astronomy. Boethius also wrote about the Greek beliefs in various modeshaving different impacts on human beings and their emotions. This was a primitive, but veryintuitive and brilliant observation on the effect music can have on man. Pythgoreans believed, asdid Boethius, that different modes had different results. Some modes indu ce sleep, while otherspurge the stupor and confusion of sleep when they woke up.4 People of Pythagorass time orof Boethiuss era lacked the notation or knowledge of melodic movement to pinpoint exactlywhat qualities of each mode evoked specific feelings. However, the observations made were giantsteps in the proper direction. Nuremberg Trials EssayIn conclusion, though some of Boethiuss theories have not proven to be completely validin the modern practice of music theory, many of his ideas have had a profound and lasting impacton musical thought and history. As long as people remain interested in the development of musictheory and its applications, then Boethiuss work will continue to survive. He has proven,through time, to be one of the most important thinkers and writers to have written on the subjectof music, and he has earned a distinguished place in the study of not just music history, but thehistory of Western civilization. 1858 wordsBibliographyBibliographyBoethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus. Fundamentals of Music. Trans. Calvin M. Bower. Ed. Claude V. Palisca. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989. Bower, Calvin. Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus. In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musician, ed. Stanley Sadie, 2: 844-45. London: Macmillan, 1980. Bray, Roger. Music and the Quadrivium in Early Tudor England. Music and Letters, vol. 76, no. 1 (Feb. 1995), 1-18. Chadwick, Henry. Boethius, the Consolations of Music, Logic, Theology, and Philosophy. New York: Clarendon Press, 1981. Edmiston, Jean. Boethius on Pythagorean Music. The Music Review, vol. 35, no. 3-4 (Nov. 1974): 179-184. Erickson, Raymond. Eugena, Boethius, and the Neapolitanism of Musica and Scholica Enchiriadis. Musical Humanism and Its Legacy. Ed. Nancy Baker and Barbara Hanning. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press, 1992. 53-78. Maher, Terence. On a Contemporary Boethian Musical Theory. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1980. Palisca, Claude V. Preface by Series Editor to Fundamentals of Music by Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius. Trans. Calvin M. Bower. ed. Claude V. Palisca. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989. Seaton, Douglas. Ideas and Styles in the Western Musical Tradition. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1991. Music Essays